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Why you should outsource your IT.

Writer's picture: ShayShay

Maybe you've been doing the "IT thing" yourself for your small business and it's going okay - or so you think. So, why should you spend the money and outsource?

Well, it's really simple. "You don't know, what you don't know."

Thinking outside the box to provide unique solutions

Unless you are an IT company/consultant who deals with IT daily, there will be a number of things that you may be unaware of that could make your business (and life) and lot easier when it comes to the technology side of things - but you just might not see it.

Just like you, who is an expert in your field and has seen multiple scenarios and had many experiences that make you stellar at what you do, the same goes for IT consultants - we've seen it all! We've had to problem solve a number of scenarios that help us think outside the box when it comes to IT and in turn provide you with unique solutions.

Saving time (and money)

In addition to that, how much time are you losing by trying to Google and troubleshoot your IT problems? Here's the thing about time, you can't get it back and its valuable, especially when you are dedicating your time and money into running a small business.

Knowledge is a powerful thing.

Having the ability to know that you need help to maintain your technology is powerful and it can also relieve a lot of stress. Are you really going to know the ins and outs of being PCI or HIPPA compliant? Probably not. The rules are constantly changing as technology and cyber threats evolve.

Do you know how to maintain everything? Do you know what your firewall actually does and how to lock it down? and no, I am not talking about the Windows firewall in your computer. I am talking about the physical hardware appliance that is known in the "IT world" as a firewall, that I hope you have protecting your business from outside threats.

Do you know how to maintain the firmware for everything? It's awesome that you do your computer updates!! But there is a lot more than just running windows updates to keep your business protected.

Do you know how to protect your self from cyber attacks? Do you know that over 43% percent of cyber attacks are designed to target small businesses and only 14% of small businesses are equipped to protect themselves from such attacks? It's not a question of if you will become a target of an attack, it's a question of when it will become a reality and if you will be prepared for it. This leads me into my next question, do you have a plan in place for a cyber attack? What would you do? How much time could you afford to lose? Would your business survive being down for a day, a week, or longer?

Are you sure your data is being protected correctly? Questions like these can keep a person up at night, trust me, I get it, I get stressed out when tech doesn't work right, and I can fix it easily.

You save money!

I know this seems counter-intuitive to say, but it is true. You will actually save yourself money and time. Just think about having to pay yourself per an hour to troubleshoot IT issues and how long that can sometimes take because you do not have the expertise. That is time you could be spending on doing other things for your business. Like focusing on your customers and what you provide them. You also save money by not having to hire a full-time tech support person and pay them a salary, plus benefits, vacation and sick time, You get all of the benefits of having an IT professional at your service for a fraction of the cost! It's a win- win scenario.

Ready to make the Smart IT Choice?

I offer subscription pricing for all types of small businesses regardless of size. The solution is customized to offer you the best IT service possible at an affordable price with a friendly smile and I promise to bring dog treats if there is an office dog :)

Not sure about going with a subscription? No problem, we can come up with a la carte services for you to try out.

Im flexible, I understand that you can't always give up your computer in the middle of the day, that's why I offer remote support, so I can work on things once you are done for the day. You won't have to worry about opening up a support ticket with me, you can email, call or text me directly and I will respond in a timely fashion, I know that having your tech work is critical for small businesses. Make the smart IT choice and schedule a call with me today!


Wondering if it's time you should outsource you IT needs? Download my free outsource guide to see when is a good time to outsource.



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