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Does Your Tech Have You Stressed?

Writer: ShayShay

Updated: Apr 27, 2022

Does tech have you so stressed you feel like throwing your computer in the dumpster at times? That stress is holding you back from being productive in your business. Ever minute stressing over tech issues is another minute taken away from being productive in your business. So, are you holding yourself back?

As small business owners, we wear many hats and we all stress about our respective businesses and ask ourselves if we are doing everything we can. But are you holding your business back when it comes to managing your own IT?

Technology is constantly changing, as are cyber threats that can prey on your business. And I’m going to say the hard truth, are you ready for it? Unless your business is in IT support, like mine, you need to STOP trying to do your own IT support, you only harm yourself in the long run.

I know that you might disagree with me but let me tell you why.

Staying Up on Tech Issues is a Full-Time Job

Staying up to date on everything in the IT world is a full-time job, trust me on that; I read so many daily blogs, articles, and emails when it comes to cyber threats. I know that you might be saying, "I don’t need a full-time IT person" and you are probably not wrong about that - you don't need a full-time IT person, it's overkill. What your small business needs is to outsource to an IT professional who is there for just what you need, no more, no less. This saves you time and money. Outsource to a professional, it will save you money, time, and headaches.

If It's Connected to Your Network, It Can Be Hacked! What??

I recently had a client reach out to me because they were experiencing strange computer and network issues. Cameras, printers, computers and more were experiencing strange problems. It turns out the problem was due to their camera systems being exploited because it was not updated. Their camera system was hacked!

We had to power down their camera surveillance systems and they ended up having to purchase all new ones. Would have you thought to update the security on your security camera system for a cyber threat? A vulnerability that can attack servers?

Most people wouldn’t have given their camera system a second thought because they just always work. But cameras aren't the only devices that can be vulnerable.

Printers are another vulnerable device on your network. Hackers can attack your printer too. Let me be clear; If the device is connected to your network and has access to the internet, it can be attacked.

All these things are vulnerable and that’s just the “little” things.

70% of Cyber Attacks Target Small Businesses

Did you know that over 70% of cyber attacks target small businesses because typically small businesses do not have the defenses in place to stop it from happening?

One in five small businesses falls victim to ransomware attacks. Are you prepared for that? To give you a better perspective of what I am talking about take a minute to watch cyberattacks happening in real-time.

Are You at Risk for This Latest Threat?

Recently the log4J vulnerability was reported and it is a huge deal in the IT world, there are still several updates that have yet to be released and it may be months until all updates are available, that’s a long time for software applications and appliances to be vulnerable.

Do I have your attention now? Here is a free assessment tool put out by Trend Miro to help determine if you are vulnerable.

Do You Have The Time To Stay Up On It All?

Ask yourself, do you have the time to spend on keeping up with everything that needs to be updated? NO you don’t. You should be focused on what you do best, your business, not the "IT" stuff.

Your time is too valuable to be reacting to cyber threats. Without constant research and a trained eye many of these threats go unnoticed until it's too late. That's not something you want to deal with. You also don’t want to deal with a virus and all of the havoc that can cause to your business, and if you think that built-in Microsoft Defender will protect you, you are mistaken. You need real protection. My personal favorite is Trend Micro Worry-Free Business. It’s affordable, has real-time scanning, a management console and you can schedule scans, just to name a few of the things that I like about it.

Look for Personalized Service, Don't Overpay for IT

I am in no way telling you to go out and hire a full-time IT person for your business because chances are that’s not what you need - it's overkill really. However, you need to be realistic, and you should not be Googling answers to your tech questions. Outsource your IT needs to someone who can create a personalized affordable plan that fits your specific business needs. Having someone you can turn to is important and that’s the entire reason I started SNL Tech Services. I wanted to help small businesses with their IT support, reach out today for a free consultation.


Wondering if it's time you should outsource your IT needs? Download my free outsource guide to see when is a good time to outsource.



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