Be mindful on what you are clicking on. Hoover over URLs to see if the URL matches and do the same with buttons that you can click on in an email. Make sure they are going where they say they are going.
DO NOT use easy to guess passwords. Do not use passwords that have your pets name in it, the street you live on, the year you were born, or your favorite sports team. These are easy for hackers and it gives them information to get a hold of your more sensitive information since many of these are security questions for more confidential sites. I recommend using a password that is at least16 characters long. Replace letters with special characters and numbers to make it more secure.
Use an authenticator app whenever you can. I know this can be apain in the rear,but it isworth it.
Use a password Manager that has a master password and do not save your passwords to your web browser. Let the password Manager save them instead.
DO NOT use the SAME password Especially for important accounts such as email, banking, credit card, mortgage companies, stock accounts, etc.
DO NOT use the same passwords for personal accounts that you use for business accounts.
Require a pin and or password on your computer to log into it.
Use bit locker to encrypt your computer hard drive. (See my blog post for more about this)
Do not use USB drives from other people unless you have scanned the USB drive first.
Use a virus scan and keep the virus definitions updated.
Keep your computer current on its updates. From Windows, do the optional windows updates as well. If you are not sure how to do this send me an email or DM me on Instagram and I can send you instructions on how to check your updates.
Have separate user accounts on your computer if the computer is shared at home.
If your kids use your computer and or laptop, remove administrator rights from their account so that they cannot accidentally download things.
Have a secure Wi-Fi connection at home. I have a blog post about this, if you want to learn more.
If you connect to public Wi-Fi networks have a vpn on your computer. If you are not sure what this is check out my blog that covers VPNS
Do NOT run multiple virus scans on your computer These will cause problems by blocking each other from working correctly.
Do NOT use a bunch of website ad blockers. You do not need them. You can block pop ups within your web browsers and allow pop ups for “safe”sites.
Do NOT give out your Wi-Fi password to everyone who comes over to your house. Have a guest Wi-Fi network password that you can give out and change frequently. See my blog post about Wi-Fi for more information on this.
Run a scan on your computer once a month that scans for malware and spyware.
Do full, deep system virus scans that includes root kits on your computer if you think its acting strange.